
Sugar, sugar substances

  1. active
  2. active
  3. active

Mainly saccharose in the form of finely granulated sugar is used for confectionery yeast doughs. In addition, glucose syrup, invert sugar syrup, invert sugar cream or glucose are used. These sugar substances have differences in sweetening power, solubility, hygroscopicity
and fermentation capability.

Glucose is directly fermented by the yeast. The saccharose and the maltose contained in the flour are first fermented after splitting has taken place. Sugar is conducive to the Maillard reaction and the caramelization of the baked goods crust. The more sugar substances available during the baking process, the stronger the colouring effects.

Due to the combination of sugar substances in the recipe, the solubility and the balanced moistness can be influenced. A longer softkeeping and moistness of the baked goods can be achieved by a partial replacement of the granulated sugar by invert sugar syrup and/or glucose, for example. Over and above, longer keeping qualities can be achieved in this way. The sugar substances are, in addition to the technological effects, responsible for the sweetness of the baked goods and the development and support of the typical aromas of the baked goods.

Effects of sugar and sugar substances on the dough and the baked goods

Baking comparison: Influence of rising quantities of sugar in confectionery yeast doughs with 10 % margarine, 6 % yeast and 1.5 % salt based on total flour